Communicating his art philosophy and work, Chilcott is holding lectures with experiences from art projects in Scandinavia, Europe, Australia and America. He wants to make people feel the spirituality and beauty of our planet via the power of natural spaces and references till cultures in harmony with the environment.
As the founder of Nordic Green Art™ he is engaged in promoting ecological art practices by consulting and curating.
Karl Chilcott has a university degree, and a PhD. His art studio is on the Swedish West Coast.
He is member of The Royal Society of Sculptors and Swedish Artists’ Association.
(1548 - 1600)
Italian Dominican friar.
Renaissance philosopher, mathematician, and poet.
(1632 - 1677)
Dutch philosopher of Portuguese origin.
One of the early thinkers of the Enlightenment.
(1817 - 1862)
American essayist, poet, and philosopher.
A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings.
(1912 – 2009)
Norwegian philosopher who coined the term "deep ecology".
He was an important intellectual and inspirational figure within the environmental movement of the late twentieth century.
In classical Roman religion, a genius loci was the protective spirit of a place.
It was often depicted in religious iconography as a figure holding attributes such as a cornucopia (horn of plenty), libation bowl or snake. Many Roman altars were dedicated to a particular (local) genius loci.
(c. 470 – 399 BC)
Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
He is also credited as being the first moral philosopher of the Western ethical tradition of thought.
The rock is one of Australia's most recognisable natural landmarks. It is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia. It lies 335 km south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs.
Ayers Rock is sacred to the Aboriginal people of the area, and it is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Indigenous peoples
First Nations are ethnic groups who are the original or earliest known inhabitants of an area. First Nations are in contrast to groups that have settled, occupied or colonized the area more recently.
First Nations are also known in some regions as Aboriginal peoples, First peoples, or Native peoples.
Groups are usually described as first nations when they maintain traditions or other aspects of an early culture that is associated with a given region.
Moai are monolithic human figures carved by the Rapa Nui people on Easter Island in eastern Polynesia between the years 1250 and 1500.
Almost all moai have overly large heads three-eighths the size of the whole statue. The moai are chiefly the living faces of deified ancestors.
The statues still gazed inland across their clan lands when Europeans first visited the island in 1722.
The stone ship or ship setting was an early burial custom in Scandinavia, Northern Germany and the Baltic states.
The grave or cremation burial was surrounded by slabs or stones in the shape of a ship. The ships vary in size and were erected from c. 1000 BC to 1000 AD.
An inuksuk is a manmade stone landmark or cairn built for use by the Inuit, Iñupiat, Kalaallit, Yupik, and other peoples of the Arctic region of North America. These structures are found in northern Canada, Greenland, and Alaska.
The inuksuk may historically have been used for navigation, as a point of reference, etc. Varying in shape and size, the inuksuit have ancient roots in Inuit culture.
Historically, the most common types of inuksuk are built with stone placed upon stone. The size of some inuksuit suggest that the construction was often a communal effort.
(c. 1265 – 1321)
Italian poet. Author of the Divine Comedy. This book is widely considered the most important poem of the Middle Ages and the greatest literary work in the Italian language.
Dante's depictions of Hell, Purgatory and Heaven provided inspiration for the larger body of Western art.
Iron, stone, wood, wool and glass.
Ernst Kirchsteiger's name for the five beautiful and useful materials are Honest Materials. His book with the same name is a tribute to the five natural materials that changed the life of man and brought civilization forward.
Ernst Kirchsteiger, Ärliga material, Bonniers Fakta, 2019.
Sir Richard Long is an English sculptor and one of the best-known British land artists.
Long's work has broadened the idea of sculpture to be a part of performance art and conceptual art. He is involved in the Land Art movement and his work typically is made of earth, rock, mud, stone and other nature based materials. In exhibitions his work is typically displayed with the materials or documentary photographs of his performances and experiences.
Long won the Turner Prize award in 1989 and his work is on permanent display at the Tate Museum in Britain as well as galleries in America, Switzerland and Australia.